Friday, October 28, 2016

Baby food pancake recipe. Our favorite.

These are my favorite to make my little.  She can't get enough of them. Also a nice thing here is we but our baby cereal on the economy so they have ones designed for ages with flavors. Today's was strawberry.  Yum!


1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
1 cup uncooked commercial baby cereal
1 cup formula (or another liquid such as milk)
1/2 cup apple sauce.  I used an apple banana one that was rather thick. Baby food could also be used here.
1 tbsp melted margarine or butter (unsalted type)
3 egg yolks
apple juice (about 1/2 cup maybe more) or use water if you prefer. Were adding this for pancake batter consistency. I generally just use water because of the extra sugar juice adds.

Add cinnamon, nutmeg, dash of vanilla or other flavorings if you like. These are so customizable!

Step 1: Mix all ingredients together and add enough juice/water to make pancake consistency.

Step 2: Cook on your cook top in a frying pan as you would with “regular” pancakes. Cooking these baby cereal pancakes on a griddle will work better as you will have more control over the temperature and will be better able to keep the temp. at a constant heat.

**Freezes Well**

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