Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Carrot Ducks


200 g grated carrots (around 1 1/2 packed cups)
1/2 cup water
70 g grated cheddar cheese (1/2 cup)
2 eggs
4 tbsp flour


Pre heat oven to 180C / 350F / Gas 4

Mixed the carrot and water in a bowl, cover and microwave on high for 3 mins

Drain the carrots and then place them on a clean cloth / absorbent paper and squeeze out the liquid. (You need to get the carrots quite dry)

Place the carrots back in the bowl and mix with the remaining ingredients

Prepare a baking tray with baking paper or use a silicon baking sheet

Form star shapes of the mixture onto the sheet using a cookie cutter.

Bake for approx. 33mins (until crispy on the sides). I made 12 larger ducks.

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