Tuesday, August 19, 2014

As close as it gets to a farmers market in Clarkston, WA

Was helping my mum by doing the grocery shopping and I thought ooo Hays Produce! It's a little local fruit and veg market they have here. Kinda spendy but always really great produce. I went in to pick up some giant cantaloupes and some peaches/apples for the week. Well not only did I leave with that but 2 of the cutest baskets ever! (I have a basket obsession) and some raw local honey. My hubs loves the honey from here so when I can get it I (aka remember when I visit too) I pick some up. It really wasn't bad at all 2lb 8oz jug for about 19 bucks. We won't talk about how much the baskets were...shhhh! If I don't speak of it, it never happened! Here is the yummy goodness. OOO and see my cute new grey bag in the background! Yes!

Picked up the mail too and I got a wild crazy hair up my tookus that I was going to see what I looked like in an old 1950's high waisted bikini. NO I am not that lady that looses 100+ pounds and hits the beach in her new wrinkly skin. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing that I just happen to be Really REALLY self conscious and it would stop me from having a good time. Those who can rock that confidence I am actually envious of. Anyway I digress. I saw this suit for 10 bucks online and thought what the heck! There are free returns right. And I could wear this for my hubs in the backyard running through the sprinkler or something. So I get it yesterday and try it on. Epic fail! It fits great. But it is definitely not what I had imagined. Why did the bottoms come up higher on the model I kept sighing to myself. And oh my gosh the whiteness and extra fluff I still have! Of course I show it to my mom who thinks I look like Minnie Mouse! But she likes it for the backyard. I sent the hubs a picture of me in my new glorious suit and he liked it too. Maybe it's me. You see so much this time of year about people being made fun of for not being that hot sexy tight 20 y/o with a body fat % of 10 in a bikini that I don't dare hit the beach. My hubby thinks I am a hot sexy 31 y/o with a well bit more body fat % so I am going with that. I'm bringing fluffy sexy back...All you haters don't know how to act...kickem to the curb...or however that song bringing sexy back goes.   ;)
This weekend my cousin WD came down as I mentioned in an earlier post. Well her grandma and my grandma are sisters. They are BFF's to the core. Well they were on vacation on a sisters holiday that they do every so often and one of my second cousins V (WD's aunt) photo bombed their picture they took of their feet with some matching sandals they had bought. So to be funny we picked up some matching sandals and had my second cousin who came down with WD photo bomb us so that we could print the picture out and give it to them as a funny matching picture for their fridges since we are BFF's too. These are some sexy feet right here let me tell you! I am rocking those flip flops with red toes haha!
Another funny story from this weekend my grandmother invited us to dinner last night and I had to laugh so hard. I am thinking great I can't wait zucchini lasagna! I love zucc lasagna! Especially since it's the zucc from her garden. I get up there and she gives me a disclaimer about how this was her first try at this recipe and how it's not quite like she had imagined it would turn out. It was a giant pot of sauce, cheese, and meat with a few noodles floating here and there. She goes um...Let's dip our bread in it that will fix it! I dubbed it inside out lasagna stew! Man was it good though. I gave her a few hints for the zucc for next time.
I also had to stop the baking for a while which is why I haven't posted any new recipes. I have been going hog wild crazy and falling off my meal strategy/plan and am wanting to get back on that ASAP. My hubs sent me a pic and he has lost SOOO much weight while at school. by the time he gets back I will be able to do laundry on his abs the sucker!
Well I am off to make some turkey gyro sammies for lunch with lots of veggies!

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