Friday, August 22, 2014

To much hate and sadness

I keep seeing on the news all of this sad stuff with ISIS and people dying and being mutilated and them all doing it in the name of faith and it just breaks my heart, makes me furious, so angry, and scared all at the same time. Jesus is coming soon folks.
I keep reading so much information because it's everywhere on the TV,  news, your news feed on Facebook, and all of your other social media outlets are so full of reports and articles you just can't seem to get away from it and some of it has so much conflicting information about Islam and what it teaches that it makes me question what is real and what is an extremist view. Let's face it each religion has their extremist wacko nut jobs. My husband was raised you as a Muslim being from Morocco and I know that so much of what they're saying about his faith is not what he believes or was taught. Being a Christian not knowing much about his faith other than what I was taught or read leads me to asking questions and he is so patient and answers all of them without being angry at me because I get curious about his faith and how we are both similar and different. (This gives us an interesting dynamic for our marriage that's for sure but I get to learn a lot which is cool.) And lately if what I keep reading, seeing, or hearing is what he was taught to believe or as a general rule belief even if he doesn't believe something himself.
Of course all of this terrible stuff that they're saying my husband says it's not really what is taught but it makes me scared that someone is going to be ignorant and believe that and not be nice to my husband which makes me angry very angry; and it makes me angry that people are twisting faith to justify killing all of these people and it just makes me sick. My husband is a big boy and can of course take care of himself and he is super smart but I don't like the idea of people taking out on him what some terrorist fanatics are doing on the other side of the world.
I figure my blog I can rant for a minute about this stuff...It's the point of one right.

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