Thursday, August 6, 2015

Far Enough Along!

Well the excitement is spilling out from everywhere!!!! And I am far enough along that I feel comfy saying  Woohoo! The hubs and I are expecting our first little miracle! I have been told since I was 18 I would never have children and we had even tried fertility treatment before and failed. After a break of trying for a while we were going to re start treatment when I randomly took an extra preg test I had laying about. After my messed up surgery I am always sick and tired so I didn't think anything of being so tired. So Memorial Day morning I took the test and started hollering for the hubs because the test said pregnant before the control lines even appeared. My hubby thought I was dying or there was a spider on me...same thing in our house haha. Anywho. That weekend I took 2 more tests and that following Tuesday when the DR office was open I took a blood one to confirm...Sure enough! We had a baby on the way! An I hadn't even known it for months! I was almost 12 weeks out by the time I got in that following week with an OB appointment. We are so excited and so blessed its insane! I am still labeled as high risk but all is well there :)

Our little bundle is Due December 18th and we found out 2 days before my birthday we are having a little girl! I swear I have rainbows shooting out of everywhere. That day we went and bought her first little girl outfit to celebrate!

I am trying to be crafty and make a few things for her like burp cloths, changing pad, nursing scarfs, and a couple baby blankets.
Well I made 2 nursing infinity scarfs  and my first baby blanket. The scarf was amazing and I think I will wear it now haha and so easy one seam! You take jersey knit fabric a piece about 30 inches wide and 60 inches long....I found this that was 58 wide and so I just had her cut a little over 30 long to save some cash and not have left over fabric.  Fold the long way in half and sew the two ends together...that's it! Here it is...
Here is a pic of the simple blanket I did...

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