Friday, June 8, 2018

Mom Breakfasts

I don't know about you but basically the second I became a mom I stopped getting to eat my own meals unless we are all eating together at the same time and sometimes not even then come to think of it. If one of my little munchkins sees you eating something they think THEY MUST HAVE SOME or their little life will be over. Most of the time I don't really mind because I am able to get some extra good type things into them. A prime example. I was trying out one of those Kelloggs crustless quiches from the frozen section today. They are a perfect size for me and breakfast is not my best meal of the day. I more often than not get busy and feed the kids but forget myself.
So here I am thinking yes. Finally, a free second to scarf down something while the kids are busy. Only to look down and see these faces staring up at me... Mouths open Little Mr. grunting and Little Miss saying eat eat...And don't think you can steal 2 bites for yourself and skip them once. Oh jeeze. Who knew even infants could count let alone his sister!

The quiche in question...
As you can see this is how breakfast went. They split half and I ate half. But on the bright side. This quiche was fantastic and I am definitely going to keep a few around for when I am sick of a protein bar or shake for breakfast because I forgot to eat again. Here is a picture of the one I tried today with their nutrition info. 10g of protein with only 6 net carbs is a win!!! I may have to become one of those parents that hide to sneak a snack they don't want to share or start just making two at a time. 


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